Meaningful Work & Librarian Agency

Exploring Job Control Among Academic Instruction Librarians

Matthew Weirick Johnson

University of South Florida Libraries, Tampa campus



  • defining job control
  • burnout & job control
  • in academic libraries
  • strategies

Previous Work


  • 245 academic instruction librarians completed job control inventory and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory
  • 307 academic instruction librarians completed job control inventory
  • 40 interviews with academic instruction librarians
    • 20 high job control
    • 20 low job control

Job Control

“the ability to exert some influence over one’s environment so that the environment becomes more rewarding or less threatening” (Ganster, 1989)

Dimensions of Job Control

  • tasks
  • scheduling
  • work pacing
  • physical environment
  • resources
  • decision-making
  • interaction
  • mobility

Burnout & Job Control


  • an occupational phenomenon resulting from prolonged workplace stress characterized by
    • increased emotional exhaustion
    • increased depersonalization or cynicism
    • reduced professional accomplishment or efficacy
  • “one of the most common psychological conditions experienced by employees” (Koutsimani et al, 2019)

The Relationship Between Burnout & Job Control

A linear regression model showing the negative and moderate effect of job control on burnout

Figure 1


  • the model to predict burnout with job control explains a statistically significant and moderate proportion of variance (R2 = 0.20, F(1, 243) = 59.53, p < .001, adj. R2 = 0.19). Within this model the effect of job control is statistically significant and negative (beta = -16.67, 95% CI [-20.93, -12.42], t(243) = -7.72, p < .001; Std. beta = -0.44, 95% CI [-0.56, -0.33]).

Self-Determination Theory

  • a theory of human motivation that differentiates between autonomous and controlled motivation
  • autonomy is one of three basic psychological needs (along with competence and relatedness)

In academic libraries


  • from colleagues
  • poor office setups


  • I have to do it, but I have complete control over what I do

Some controversies

  • one-shot instruction
  • types of instruction (online & programmatic in particular)
  • working with faculty (collaboration, valuing expertise)
  • guidelines for instruction
  • the value of a foot in the door
  • freedom in instruction (can do anything as long as don’t complain to supervisor but some are much more limited – question of professionalism)

Job control as panacea

  • “although enhanced control is often strongly advocated, many have questioned if it is a universal panacea to employee ills”
  • “with increased control comes increased responsibility and often increased workload.”


  • person-centered management
  • building rapport & trust
  • professional development
  • locus of control
  • minimal and optimal
